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  • Grainstrument Lite | sound-dust

    Free granular malarky for Kontakt sample GRAINSTRUMENT LITE add to cart Granular malarky for all. An empty vessel for all the funny noise your heart desires. XY pad control of playback speed and grain size XY pad control of reverb size and mix Use inbuilt samples or load your own That's it ! Grainstrument LITE will play nicely with FULL Kontakt 5.6.8 and above.

  • EVERYTHING | sound-dust

    Everything Sound Dust makes on one page Sample libraries for Kontakt and beyond BAD VIOLIN TOOLKIT More badness BAD PIANOS Bad but great, really great - and free DRIFT005 CLAVOTRON A 60-string electric guitar ##HOBBES## Generator of surprise DRIFT 004 A new low FELT dULCITONE 123 year old tine piano DUST ENGINE #2 odd electro acoustic haze machine PLANKTON DRUMMER a harmonic drum device DULCITONE 1900 If Keira Knightly was an ancient keyboard DRIFT 003 Weird AI voices DUST ENGINE#1 Your liberation from preset hell PLANKTON SONAR A sea of systems ping DRIFT 002 Maximal minimalism SPONGE PIANO 2 PIANO + SPONGE Infundibulum#2.1 Audio patina DRIFT 001 Minimal but maximal PLANKTON SEQUENCER Play sequencers like an instrument ORGONE 2 Strange organ synth crossover BOOM & BUST V2 LOOP POOL : morphing modern cinematica Modular Chaos Engine #1.1 Found sound drum machine PENDLEONIUM 4 Woozy guitarish throbbing FLUTTER DUST Acoustic wavetable delights CLOUD VIOLA 2 Cunning grainular viola Hammr Growler Full tilt Hammond beastie BLISS MACHINE Guitars from mars Chaos Engine#4 Steel Drum Percussion Room FLUTTER EP Wavetabled electronic piano KICKTOM Big bottoms for Kontakt INFUNDIBULUM#1.1 Gorgeous time funnel SHIPS PIANO 3 3 character pianos in one DULCITONIUM Convolution ghosts of ancient keys SYNTHFUNDIBULUM#3 7 rare soviet synths in an Infundibulum ODDular Extreme modulation and a polyphonic EMS Putney VCS3 TABLE of ELEMENTS A periodic table of sound PLASTIC GHOST PIANO#2 A convolved piano modeller LOOP POOL - Percussion An infinity of eccentric percussion FELT DULCITONE Ancient glorious thonk GHOST in the MACHINE A free Kontakt instrument made from noise and ghosts CLOUD BASS Double bass × garden twine ÷ √ (sub bass + reverb) = CLOUD BASS Sponge Bass Hofner President bass + flatwound strings x bathroom sponge = Sponge Bass FRICTION for DIVA Post punk synths SAXOMAPHONIUM sax + ancient pumped air = saxomaphonium CHOIR POOL Morphing Choir Bots GHOSTDROP Granular FSU for KONTAKT6 String Pool Tempo synced violin undulations Prepared Pianet Electric piano with and without electricty HAMMR+ Re-inventing the (tone) wheel CLOUD CELLO Cello + twine x reverb Show More middle down

  • FREE | sound-dust

    Amazing and exciting free sound gadgets for Kontakt VST REALLY FREE FREE POOL percussion 20 free curated loops from LOOP POOL PERCUSSION GHOST in the MACHINE A noisy Kontakt instrument hand woven from ghosts and stuff LOOP POOL FREE Free loops GRAINSTRUMENT lite Free granular gubbins for Kontakt 5 Hammr bass & chords Developed as part of the Bass & Chords is the 400mb cut down "home keyboard" version of the mighty HamMR+ Tiny Chaos Operator A free Kontakt sequencing instrument based on a nifty pocket sized drum machine Tiny Chaos Engine #1 small found sound drum machine Tiny Chaos Engine #2 small analogue drum machine get all the free-ness

  • DRIFT 005 | sound-dust

    DRIFT 005 A plucky hybrid made from deep sampled Hohner D6 Clavinet, Arnold Dolmetsch Harpsichord, Siel Orchestra 3 and some cunning deep fakes. Essentially a 60 stringed electric guitar A sample library for Kontakt VST DRIFT005 clavotron £35/$45/€43 A hybrid hammered & plucked string instrument like no other 10 deeply sampled articulations Hohner Clavinet D6 in 5 flavours, Dolmetsh Harpsichord, Siel Orchestra2 - and more 3GB of 24bit multi samples Wow, flutter & multi throb in abundance for FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1and above add to cart A brief history of clav Long before Stevie Wonder was around, the clavichord, dating back to the 14th century, was one of the most expressive (and only) keyboard instruments available. Unlike the harpsichord, which plucked, the clavichord hammered its strings with small metal blades called tangents. This gave the player exceptional control over dynamics and expression, making it pretty special - but not very loud. In the 1960s Ernst Zacharias borrowed the clavichord's basic string-striking mechanics, added built-in pickups similar to an electric guitar, and invented the Clavinet - the electric clavichord. Hohner, at the time famous for harmonicas and accordions, introduced The Clavinet D6 in 1971 - and then all hell broke loose. drift005 - clavotron Anchor 1 Let's be straight, you could play Superstition with DRIFT005, but you can do better. It is much more interesting to think of the clavinet as a 60-string electric guitar ! DRIFT005 is packed with deep sampled articulations of real D6, and intriguing variations on the clav sound. It can do an authentic recreation of cool 70s clav, but you'll also find amped and feedbacked D6 alongside the bright, soft and muted variations. There's a real harpsichord (plucked, not hammered strings), analogue clavichord via the gorgeous Siel Orchestra2, and deeply faked, modeled, FM'd and bad clavichords made with hybrid software/hardware combinations. The unique stacking system of the DRIFT universe means obtuse impossible instruments are no longer impossible, just stack them together and sculpt the sound in your head...or use one of the many pre rolled variations. The classic Stevie setting - brash and bright. Just the soft button - gentle bumptiousness. There is a mechanical slider that engages a fake palm mute - deep and clacky. Played through the Digitech Freqout pedal - endless and slightly unfeasible harmonic sustain. Played through a small valve combo - fruity and massive. A Frankensteined version of the original Tiny Binaural Harpsichord - dusty and plucky. A cunning Karplus Strong hammered string - light but with hints of mild clangorous ness . Analogue blap with envelope following filter sweep - dare I say 'funky' FM , analogue and a hint of acoustic - surprisingly organic Gorgeous Italian string synth with a clavichord preset - which I didn't use. THE SOUNDS This is the fifth instalment of the DRIFT series of instruments. Simple at the front, complex behind the curtain. The business end is just 4 large knobs: Grist, ADSR, Morph and Space combine multiple functions for uncomplicated and intuitive sound design. A minimal interface beneath which lurks a maximalists desire to warp, bend and squash millions of new sounds into the aether. Stack together instruments from across the DRIFT range for monstrous modular hybrid sounds. mid What's Inside ? 10 deeply multi sampled complex sounds sources = 3GB 40 modular instrument stacks 50 snapshots play delay in ms for stacked mode joy morph EQ knob with 100 presets morph ADSR knob with 100 presets grist knob for noisy filth 50 custom impulse response reverbs space knob adds IR reverb and goes to 100% wet BPM synced drift control for tape like chaotic wow and flutter 2 x BPM synced bipolar ducking modulators for complex throbbing polyphonic, monophonic, legato and offset play modes portamento up to 8 voices of detuned girth custom modwheel settings per sound source full automation capability fake round robin for extra spice chaos page adds even more unpredictability Handy built in instructions in RTFM page FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1 needed DRIFT 005 will load into Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £35/$45/€43 (inc VAT) for DRIFT005 instant download add to cart you might like these... end DRIFT001 Complex simplicity DRIFT 002 Ecstatic wooze DRIFT 003 Dubious voices from the post apocalypse DRIFT 004 A new low

  • KICKTOM | sound-dust

    Hundreds of kicks and floor toms plus 15 sequencers and cunning algorithmic beat builders. Build you rhythms from the bottom up. kicktom £40 Building back better from the bottom end 100s of Kicks and Floor Toms 15 drum articulations 15 sequencers 15 algorithm engines 1500+ samples 1GB download for FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and above ADD TO CART EXCELLENT thump AT YOUR FINGERTIPS KICKTOM is based around the simple concept of doing one thing really, really well. Low end beats, percussive rumble, punch, thump and a bit of thwack. All quickly available at your fingertips with an easy to use but complex BPM synced sequencer engine and 11 algorithmic playback engines for every single note. Use KICKTOM to start tracks with a chunky bottom end, or add it to existing pieces for rumbustious low frequencies and clatter. From delicate to epic, subtle to stomping, wild to wonky. Build a BPM synced, chunky Funky Drummer or dirty glitter stomp in moments and play it live with a few keys. mid building from the bottom Each articulation has its own GUI, sequencer and algorithmic playback engine, with a suite of effects for individual sound sculpting. 83 Custom IMPULSE RESPONSES per articulation to create natural and impossible spaces. Hybrid IR's can transform a kick into a cowbell, high hat or tuned piano note. SUB IR's adds tuned sub-bass for extra low end rumble. 'Well, this is worryingly useful. Fortunately, you can do weird stuff as well! Great programming, and it really is very nice to be able to shape the sounds inside the instrument like this. ' a YOUTUBE comment too good not to share DOUBLE BRUSH SPRING MIC DOUBLE BRUSH 1/6 articulations KICK SINE - 808 style kicks - 21 velocity layers KICKS ELECTRO - 98 FM kicks - 98 velocity layers ROOM KICK - HARD MALLET - acoustic kick -74 velocity layers ROOM KICK - SOFT BEATER - the wrong side of an acoustic kick - 94 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - MALLET - 105 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - TEA TOWEL - 128 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - FINGERS - 122 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - SOFT MALLET - 104 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - SHAKER - small wooden shaker balanced on drum skin - 106 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - TAMBOURINE - metal tambourine balanced on drum skin - 86 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - SPRING MIC - kids toy mic balanced on drum - 88 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - BRUSH - one metal jazz brush - 128 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - DOUBLE BRUSH - two metal jazz brushes - 100 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - BROOMSTICK - hard wooden 'brush' - 128 velocity layers FLOOR TOM - HARD BRUSH - hard plastic 'brush' - 120 velocity layers bottom FULL version of Kontakt 5.8 and/or 6.4.2 needed KICKTOM will load into Kontakt Player but time out after 10 minutes, so please don't buy this if you are using the free Kontakt Player. £40/$55/€48 (inc VAT) for KICKTOM instant download ADD TO CART What's Inside ? KICKTOM - the small print 1 GB total size - 900 MB download 15 articulations 15 sequencers 15 articulator engines with 11 algorithms 1500 hits 85 snapshots 1 Kontakt instrument Huge, non-fiddly GUi Classic Sound Dust RTFM instruction manual built into interface sequencers 1 sequencer per note Sequence lanes for velocity, pitch and decay Multiple play rates 1 to 64 steps Swing, drag and humanize controls ARTICULATORS 1 algorithmic articulator engine per note 11 algorithms Flam, Drag, Ruff, Roll, Buzz, 16ths, 8ths, ALGO 1 to 4 EDIT section PER note Volume Snap Sample start Pan Transient Designer Tape saturation Solid G equalizer - 4 bands Delay Convolution reverb CUSTOM IMPULSE RESPONSE 83 custom IRs per note Categories - Epic, Polite, Device, Reverse, Plate, Spring, FX, SUB FX section can turn a drum into a piano, Rhodes or musical saw SUB section to add tuned sub frequencies mixer Controls for every articulation Volume, Pan, IR mix and Snap Master low and high pass filters Master IR reverb unit you might also like these... FOUND A found sound drum machine BOOM AND BUST The original pool of cinematic thumping INFUNDIBULUM #1.1 More time funnel - but different LOOP POOL - Percussion_square Plenty of Bam & Tschak

  • WONKY PIANO DAY 23 | sound-dust

    Wonky Piano Day 24 hour sale WONKY PIANO DAY 2023 Show some love to the imperfect pianos - UP TO 40% OFF Ships Piano3 40% OFF Scott of the Antartic's favourite Plastic Ghost Piano2 40% OFF Convolution piano made of plastic and ghosts Sponge Piano2 40% OFF Sponge + thumb = sponge piano In honour of the forthcoming WORLD PIANO DAY it seems only fair to also celebrate the awkward and imperfect characters of the piano world. So, we declare this day - 28th March 2023 to be WONKY PIANO DAY. To recognize this entirely artificial, but no less important date, for today only get 40% off SHIPS PIANO3 , PLASTIC GHOST PIANO , and SPONGE PIANO 4 The hugely talented Pierre-Augustin Vallin has composed a beautiful Wonky Piano Day theme using only Ships Piano3.

  • Modular Chaos Engine#4-SDPR | sound-dust

    A steel pan drum machine sample library for Kontakt by Sound Dust £25 Modular Chaos Engine#4 steel drum percussion room A drum machine for Tom Waits. 400+ original 24bit binaurally recorded samples for FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 or above. add to cart A kit of lovely, dusty, binaurally recorded acoustic drum samples and slightly prepared steel drums….a kind of Tom Waits percussion machine featuring drums in all shapes and sizes. There are huge flappy marching band bass drums, ripped and rattly snares and kicks, frame drums, congas, bongos, toms, hi-hats, cymbals, boxes, broken metal shelving… Plus the “prepared” steel drums. These are a neglected set of bass and cello steel pans played with fingers and soft mallets to avoid sounding like proper steel drums (more apocalypse than calypso), the tunings are a bit iffy, but there are plenty of velocity layers per hit for a rusty hang drum like effect. Great for making wonky, dusty beats, chunky acoustic EDM or even epic film scoring. Both kits were recorded binaurally in a great sounding room with long decays. mid Modular Chaos Engine #4 - a steel drum machine for Kontakt VST Modular Chaos Engine #4 - a steel drum machine for Kontakt VST Modular Chaos Engine #4 - a steel drum machine for Kontakt VST Modular Chaos Engine #4 - a steel drum machine for Kontakt VST 1/5 Whats Inside ? 400+ original 24bit binaurally recorded samples. Bang Engine page - 12 user programmable, key triggered sequencers with 12 tracks of drum hits per sequence - up to 30 sounds available per note. Klang Engine page - 12 user programmable, key triggered sequencers with 12 tracks of steel drums per sequence - up to15 sounds available per note. One Shot Kit page -4 octaves of programmable one shot kits with chaos and order parameter randomisation control. Sends and Master FX page - control of master levels , master EQ and transient designer. 10 instrument presets (.nki's) for Kontakt 5. Klang/Bang Engines - drawable, per note control of: sound selection, volume, reverb send, hold time, low pass/high pass filter, pan, sample start, tune, lo-fi & compression. Klang/Bang Engines - sound selection chaos control. Klang/Bang Engines - timing chaos control. Klang/Bang Engines - 'remix' control with 32 loop variations per engine. Klang/Bang Engines - 16 or 32 beats per track selection. Klang/Bang Engines - solo & mute per sound. Klang/Bang Engines - copy/paste of patterns & tracks. Swing amount control for extra hippity hoppity. One Shot Kits - individually editable note articulations with jitter, release, flam, drag, ruff, roll, muted, speed roll, geiger plus 16th, 8th and triplet repeats. One Shot Kits- 2 convolution reverb sends One Shot Kits - 24 custom reverb impulses made from hardware and real spaces. One Shot Kits - per note control of reverb send, pitch, high & low pass filters, volume attack & decay, volume & pan. Built in instruction manual in RTFM tab. Modular Chaos Engine#4- Steel Drum Percussion Room needs a FULL version of Kontakt 5. Please don't buy this if you are using Kontakt Player. £25/$40/35€ (inc VAT) for Modular Chaos Engine#4- Steel Drum Percussion Room add to cart end you might like these... MCE#1 Found A field recording drum machine MCE#2.1- Evolved Wonky blue analogue drum device MCE #3 OddHop Wonky chaotic drum box Tiny Binaural Harpsichord³ Don't forget the prepred harpsichord drum box

  • FRICTION for DIVA | sound-dust

    Menacing, funky, dystopian sounds to feed U-He Diva VST FRICTION for DIVA £25 FRICTION applies the Sound Dust sound design aesthetic to U-He's amazing analogue soft synth DIVA and brings you 170 presets that look for beauty and cinematic atmosphere in filth and wrongness. for U-HE DIVA VST add to cart FREE FRICTION -12 free patches Huge weeping pads, elastic beat sync noise, murky weathered leads, deviant one finger atmospherics, organic heartbreak keyboards, West coast style uber modulations, glowering low end throbbing and earworming sound effects are all in the mix. The starting point for FRICTION was early home-made 'industrial' synth pioneers such as Suicide, Vice Versa, Cabaret Voltaire, Fad Gadget - not forgetting the awesome and groundbreaking Throbbing Gristle. (see TG approved demo track United) FRICTION embraces the limitations and grist of the classic synths that DIVA emulates so well and melds them into something new and impossible, and impossibly lovely. Every patch has warping transformations assigned to mod-wheel and after-touch for dynamic expressive control. All patches pre tagged for DIVA and Komplete Kontrol '..these are sounds that are hard to find even with a room full of classic hardware synths.' Paul Hartnoll - Orbital mid Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust Friction for U-He DIVA by Sound Dust 1/4 What's Inside ? FRICTION sounds are loosely divided into 15 categories... ARP - melodic arpeggiated patches CHAOS - boisterous and complex DMX - arp driven drum machinery DUST - classic Sound Dust organica FX - textural earworms KEYS - keyboards...obvs LEAD - legato style solo instruments LOW - bottom feeding basses NOISE - bpm synced atonal beat shadows ORG - organic organish PAD - thick, wide and often filthy PERC - hits, thuds and snaps SLOW - take your time with these THROB - low rhythmic boomers WEST - moving the East coast over to the West coast FRICTION for U-HE DIVA VST £25 (inc VAT) for FRICTION instant download add to cart FREE FRICTION -12 free patches you might like these... Cluster for U-He Zebra 2 Flutter Dust Module Beautiful mangled acoustics. Infundibulum 2 Filthy and beautiful ODDular XY pad modulational extremes down

  • FREE SURGE | sound-dust

    A small free pack of patches for open source synth SURGE GT FREE SURGE £FREE 10 grubby patch contraptions for open source super synth SURGE GT SURGE ME Probably 20 years ago, SURGE was the first soft synth I ever bought. I tried it and immediately fell in love with its sound and the brilliant and cunning modulation system. SURGE disappeared for a few years when its developer Claus dropped it to spend more time with his new baby BITWIG , but recently Claus gifted the original code to the lovely people of the Inter nets, and it has been reborn. SURGE XT is now bigger and better, and most importantly, it has been released into the wild as a FREE open source project. YES it is FREE ! - You can download it here FREE SURGE is 10 patch contraptions that showcase what this great synth can do, and come from the heart of the Sound Dust world of sonic malarkey. "There comes a point on every production when you've done the basics, and now you need something new, interesting, unique and inspiring. So I navigate to my Sound Dust library where time and time again I'm surprised and thrilled by what I find " - Gary Barlow - yes 'that' Gary Barlow ! Table of Elements for Spectrasonics Omnisphere Table of Elements for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 1/1 mid the contraptions Each patch has a set of custom macros and modwheel controls that effortlessly morph and wrangle new sounds into the world. AN EVERYTHING PIANO - must confess this was inspired by that song by well known beat combo Radiohead. DOT BEAT SEQ - funny little tempo synched beatbox DROPLETS - sweet and mesmerizing dripping keys FALLOUT - deep and dirty bass device FOXED - dirty organ /electric piano wavetable HISTORIC - electronic strings from a previous century PEANUT BUTTER SEQ - aceeeeeed ! PLASTIC TRUMPET - Guinea pigs in the music room PSYCHOBABBLE - Ego, super-ego and id battle it out TAHINI SEQ - deep throbs FREE SURGE FOR SURGE GT surge me bottom

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